Why choose an international health insurance?
You can not count on social security …
As soon as you leave the French territory to expatriate, you will lose your rights to the French Social Security (unless you are seconded by your company). And even if you keep your rights during the first weeks, the reimbursement of your health costs by the CPAM will then be made on the basis of French tariffs and may take several months.
Not on your bank card…
Your credit card contract includes coverage for your travels, but its scope is often insufficient, with limited health reimbursements. In addition, your health insurance guarantees cease beyond 3 months spent abroad.
To face high health costs ..!
Attached to the French health system, it will be for you a mission almost impossible to find such a level of coverage in your host country. In case of a health problem (an accident, a fracture, an illness) and depending on the country in which you are, it can quickly become very complicated between the language barrier, the lack of knowledge of the local system and the prohibitive costs. And unlike France, you can hardly find insurance that accepts you once you’re sick…
Object of the contract
- Health coverage at the 1st euro for expatriates of any nationality.
- Health insurance for Europeans and expatriates in the Europe-Mediterranean zone
Fully modular guarantees
A choice
- Medical expenses
- Repatriation assistance
- Civil liability privacy and legal assistance (can not be subscribed alone)
Death capital / Loss of autonomy - Compensation for work stoppage (involves the preliminary selection of a death benefit)
Medical expenses
Ceilings and types of reimbursement
1st euro cover up to € 2,000,000 with:
3 offers
- Essential for a basic cover
- Medium for intermediate coverage
- Extenso for a comfortable blanket
3 levels of guarantees
- Hospitalization alone
- Hospitalization + Current Medicine-Maternity
- Hospitalization + Current Medicine-Maternity + Optics-Dental
3 repayment options
100%, 90% or 80% of actual costs
Associeted services
- Direct payment of hospitalization costs worldwide, 7/7, 24 hours a day
- 1st medical advice service: for advice before or after hospitalization or for more information about a symptom, diagnosis or treatment
- Third-party payment service in the USA, valid for 57,000 pharmacies, 490,000 doctors and more than 5,000 hospitals
- Third-party payment service in Mexico, valid for 850 doctors and 37 hospitals
- Easy Claim Application: to simplify the sending of refund requests
Worldwide (several coverage areas to choose from)
Duration of coverage
Minimum duration of one year – contract to tacit renewal
Medical formalities
Health profile (except if only Repatriation assistance and Private life and legal assistance guarantees are selected) + Medical report from age 60
Waiting time
- No waiting time for hospitalization and current medicine
- 3 months for dental, periodontics and endodontics
- 6 months for prosthesis and dental implants, orthodontic, optical
- 10 months for maternity expenses
- 12 months for spa treatments and thalassotherapy, medically assisted procreation and adoption costs
An e-claiming service: to send refund requests in a few clicks from the Customer Center or via the Easy Claim App
- 24/7 hospital direct payment service
- Very flexible contract: you choose the guarantees and levels of coverage adapted to your needs
- High quality management: 3 management offices in Paris, Bangkok and Mexico
- Translation and legal support service
- Life Health Benefit Guarantee: As insured you are covered for as long as you wish
- Contributions not changing according to your personal expenses
- Health insurance at the 1st euro for expatriates of any nationality
- Health insurance for Europeans and expatriates in the Europe-Mediterranean zone