Subscribe an additional health insurance for self-employed worker from €20 per month !
A complementary health objective is to take care in whole or in part the amount of your health expenditure not reimbursed by your compulsory social security scheme, which allows you to better deal with the planned and unforeseen health costs such as …
Hospital or private clinic costs
- Medical consultation fees: general Practitioners and specialists
- Fees for paramedics: nurses, physiotherapists, speech therapists, etc.
- Pharmacy fees are only 15%, 30% or 65% by the SS.
- Medical Analysis Laboratory costs
- Fees for X-ray, ultrasound scanner, MRI and other Imaging
- Optical costs: eyeglasses and lenses reimbursed or not by the SS.
- Dental costs: Care, inlays, implants, orthodontics
- Prosthetic costs: Dental, hearing or capillary
- Other medical expenses not reimbursed by the SS.Hospital costs
How much does a hospital cost?
€511 per day on average, plus €60 for a particular room, plus €20 for the hospital package, plus television charges, or more than €4,000 for a week.
With my complementary health, I get better reimbursed:
• Hospital costs in the area of the agreement
• With or non-with private clinic hospitalization costs
• Excess Fees
• The special room, the costs of accompanying
• Home hospitalization costs
• Transportation costs: ambulance, VSL
• Thermal Cures
• And you benefit from the Tranquility Hospitalization pack: Tips, tools, assistance
How much does an emergency medical consultation cost?
If you call on the 15th for a home visit between midnight and 6 am, it will cost you € 82.50 for an adult.
If you call the EMS on Sunday or a public holiday, the price will be 72 € for a child from 2 to 6 years old.
With my mutual health for self-employed workers, I am better reimbursed the fees of general practitioners in the office or home, medical specialists in the office or hospital and day & night emergency doctors.
How much does a series of 10 physiotherapy sessions cost?
For a reeducation of a limb (hand, elbow, shoulder, hip, knee, foot) it is necessary to count 161,30 € for 10 sessions with a rest dependent for you of 69,50 € if you do not have a mutual .
My mutual health for self-employed workers allows me to better repay:
• Paramedic Care Fees such as nurses and physiotherapists
• Medical Analyzes at the Laboratory or at home
• X-rays: scanner, MRI …
• Vaccines and antimalarial treatments, Smoking cessation, Prevention
• Natural Medicine: Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Acupuncture
Do you know what is the price of a hepatitis C treatment?
HARVONI This hepatitis C medicine, a dual therapy containing 2 new direct-acting antivirals (AAV) prescribed in France, requires a treatment that usually lasts 12 weeks and costs for each patient: 46,988 euros!
By subscribing a mutual health for self-employed workers, I complete the treatment of drugs reimbursed at rates of 15%, 30% and 65% by the Social Security.
How much does a pair of glasses cost?
278 € approximately in Unifocal equipment reimbursed 4,45 € by Social Security.
568 € in Progressive equipment, reimbursed 14,50 € by Social Security.
This is why a mutual health for self-employed workers is essential to reduce the rest dependent on the cost of simple glasses, glasses and frames, complex glasses, progressive lenses and frames and contact lenses accepted or refused by the SS.
How much does a dental prosthesis cost?
A wreath costs on average 600 €. The Social Security will reimburse you 75,25 € (107,50 € X 70%) The rest in your load will be 524,75 €.
With an additional health insurance at 200%, 300%, 400% or 500% your mutual will reimburse you in addition 75,25 €, 150,50 €, 225,75 € or 301 €, which reduces your rest to load.
Just as a health mutual for micro-entrepreneur can be better reimbursed the care, inlays and dentures refunded and not reimbursed as well as dental packages Orthodontics, Implantology and Parondotology.
How much does a hearing aid cost?
If you are over 21 years of age, a hearing aid is reimbursed € 119.83 (€ 199.71 X 60%) regardless of the class of device prescribed while the average price is € 1.535 per ear.
With an additional insurance of 200%, 300%, 400% or 500% your mutual health for micro-entrepreneur will refund you more 119,83 €, 239,66 €, 359,49 € or 479,32 €, which reduces your dependent remains when you need hearing aids, orthopedic or hair prostheses.
Examples of reimbursement according to the level of cover chosen
Reimbursement of medical fees up to 500%
- Private room up to 115 € per day in the hospital
- Accompanying costs up to 55 € per day in the hospital
- Unlimited hospital package (18 € / day)
- Birth package 250 €
- Dental prosthesis up to 450% and Package up to € 1,250
- Optics up to 650 €
- Thermal cure up to 700 €